A woman and a child together with other passengers queue at the check-in counter at Duesseldorf International Airport (DUS), western Germany on July 1, 2022. – Airlines and airports are currently struggling with the lack of staff and high levels of sick leave due to the corona pandemic. As a result, flights are sometimes canceled, passengers have to wait in long queues at the airports. There is currently a shortage of around 7,200 skilled workers in the industry. To alleviate the staff shortage at German airports and the flight chaos, the German government has proposed to hire temporary staff from abroad to fill in at airports at short notice and help out with baggage handling and security checks, according to the German ministers of transport, labor and the interior at a joint press conference on June 29, 2022. (Photo by Ina FASSBENDER / AFP)


Os turistas alemães estão a ser aconselhados a deixar de usar malas pretas e a optar por bagagens mais coloridas numa altura em que os aeroportos enfrentam atrasos nas viagens.


Segundo Stefan Schulte, chefe do aeroporto de Frankfurt, a predominância de malas pretas contribuiu para os atrasos enfrentados pelas companhias aéreas nas últimas semanas porque é “difícil distingui-las umas das outras”. Schulte aconselhou os passageiros a, sempre que possível, trazer apenas bagagem de mão e a usar malas coloridas, pois são mais fáceis de identificar.

In: Jornal de Notícias
Créditos foto cover: Andrea Piacquadio